Hypothesis Testing
We present different methods to test data against hypotheses. Statistical test We consider the null hypothesis ($H_0$) and the alternative hypothesis ($H_1$). We are interested in rejecting or not the null hypothesis. Definition: Null hypothesis The null hypothesis $H_0$ is that considered true in the absence of data (default choice). Here, let $\delta$ denote the decision function used to reject or not the null hypothesis. $$ \delta(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{do not reject $H_0$} \\ 1 & \text{reject $H_0$ in favor of $H_1$} \end{cases} $$ Definition: Error types The Type-I error rate is the rate of false positives: $\alpha = \mathbb{P}(\delta(x) = 1 \mid H_0)$....