We will say that $\delta_G(v)$ is the number of edges incident to $v$ in $G$.
Given a graph $G$ and $k \geq 0$, a subgraph $H$ of $G$ is a $k$-core if:
- $\delta_H(v) \geq k$, for all $v \in V_H$;
- $|V_H|$ is maximum.
A $k$-core can be computed in $\mathcal{O}(|E_G|)$ time using the following algorithm.
- While there is $v$ such that $\delta_H(v) < k$, do
- Remove all vertices that have degree less than $k$ from $H$.
- A $k$-core might not be connected;
- The $k$-core is unique;
- If $v$ belongs to the $k$-core, then $v$ also belongs to any $\bar{k}$-core, where $\bar{k} < k$;
- A $k$-core decomposition can be computed in linear time.
Let $G = (V, E)$ be a graph. Its average degree density is:
$$ \rho(G) = \frac{|E|}{|V|} = \frac{m}{n}. $$Let $G = (V, E)$ be a graph. Its clique density is:
$$ \phi(G) = \frac{2 |E|}{|V| (|V| - 1)} = \frac{2m}{n (n - 1)}. $$Let $G = (V, E)$ be a graph. Then,
$$ \sum_{v \in V} \delta(v) = 2 |E| = 2m $$The problem can be solved in polynomial time. However, we can compute an approximation in linear time with a greedy strategy.
Let $G = (V, E)$ be a graph. The algorithm goes as follows:
- $H \leftarrow G$
- While $E \geq 1$, do
- $u \leftarrow \min_{v \in V} \delta(v)$
- Remove $u$ and its edges from $G$
- if $\rho(G) > \rho(H)$, then $H \leftarrow G$
- Return $H$
This algorithm runs in $\mathcal{O}(V + E)$ time. To do so, we can use three lists:
- A
list: $\texttt{degree}[v] = \delta(v)$; - A
list of degrees: $\texttt{bucket}[d] = \Delta_d = \{v_1, \dots, v_n\}$ where $\delta(v_i) = d$ (list of nodes that have degree $d$); - A
list: $\texttt{location}[v] = i$, where $i$ is the index of $v$ in the list $\texttt{bucket}[\delta(v)]$.
With these three lists, one can remove a node and its edges in $\mathcal{O}(1)$ time and also update each of the neighbours of $u$ in $\mathcal{O}(1)$. Note that the number of neighbours of $u$ is precisely $\delta(u)$. This means that throughout the while loop in step 2, the complexity of updating the nodes is $\mathcal{O}(E)$.
Furthermore, in order to find the minimum degree in each iteration, we maintain a pointer to the previous minimum degree (m
Then, we either have to decrease m
by 1 or keep looking in the bucket
list for the next m
Overall, the complexity of this operation is $\mathcal{O}(V)$.
Adding everything up, we end up with an algorithm that runs in $\mathcal{O}(V + E)$ time.
Let $O$ be the densest subgraph in $G$. Our algorithm finds a subgraph $H$ such that
$$ \rho(H) \geq \frac{\rho(O)}{2}. $$To find the optimal solution of the densest subgraph problem, we can use many strategies:
- Use a maximum flow algorithm;
- Use an algorithm based on Linear Programming;
- Use convex programming.
We can also modify the algorithm to compute the maximum densest clique of the graph by computing $\phi(G)$ and $\phi(H)$ at each iteration instead of $\rho(G)$ and $\rho(H)$ and also check for $V_H \geq k$.